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Declarative configuration for Opa

uropa Documentation

uropa provides declarative configuration and drift detection for Opa.

Table of content




The command-line --help flag on the main command or a sub-command (like diff, sync, reset, etc.) shows the help text along with supported flags for those commands.

A gist of all commands that are available in uropa can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You can find answers to FAQs here.


Changelog can be found in the file.


uropa is licensed with Apache License Version 2.0. Please read the LICENSE file for more details.


uropa does not offer to secure your Opa deployment but only configures it. It encourages you to protect your Opa’s Admin API with authentication but doesn’t offer such a service itself.

uropa’s state file can contain sensitive data such as private keys of certificates, credentials, etc. It is left up to the user to manage and store the state file in a secure fashion.

If you believe that you have found a security vulnerability in uropa, please submit a detailed report, along-with reproducible steps to Harry Bagdi (email address is first name last name At gmail Dot com). I will try to respond in a timely manner and will really appreciate it you report the issue privately first.

Getting help

One of the design goals of uropa is deliver a good developer experience to you. And part of it is getting the required help when you need it. To seek help, use the following resources:

One thing I humbly ask for when you need help or run into a bug is patience. I’ll do my best to respond you at the earliest possible.

Reporting a bug

If you believe you have run into a bug with uropa, please open a Github issue.

If you think you’ve found a security issue with uropa, please read the Security section.